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DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring
DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring

DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring

Sale price $5.50 Regular price $10.99
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Color classification Silver plated D 1

DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring

Introducing our DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring, the perfect addition to your jewelry collection! This exquisite accessory is made from environmentally friendly brass and is beautifully plated in silver and gold. Available at an affordable price range of 1.00-9.99 yuan, this ring offers incredible value without compromising on style.

Key Features

  • Material: Alloy/Silver Plated/Gold Plated
  • Size: 20mm outer diameter with a thickness of 1mm
  • Type: Other Accessories
  • Eco-friendly: Made from environmentally friendly brass

Unique Selling Points

This Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring is designed for those who appreciate personalized and bespoke jewelry. With its unique copper billet that has never been processed, each ring showcases distinct embroidery points that make every piece one-of-a-kind. Furthermore, our rigorous electroplating ensures the thick application of real gold and silver, enhancing both durability and aesthetics.


Wearing this ring not only elevates your style but also reflects your individuality. Whether as a gift for someone special or a treat for yourself, this ring is a versatile accessory suitable for any occasion. Its open design makes it adjustable for a comfortable fit, while the elegant finish adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit.

Shop Now

Don't miss out on the chance to own this exquisite piece! Explore more at DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring and discover additional jewelry accessories that suit your style.

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DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring

Introducing our DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring, the perfect addition to your jewelry collection! This exquisite accessory is made from environmentally friendly brass and is beautifully plated in silver and gold. Available at an affordable price range of 1.00-9.99 yuan, this ring offers incredible value without compromising on style.

Key Features

  • Material: Alloy/Silver Plated/Gold Plated
  • Size: 20mm outer diameter with a thickness of 1mm
  • Type: Other Accessories
  • Eco-friendly: Made from environmentally friendly brass

Unique Selling Points

This Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring is designed for those who appreciate personalized and bespoke jewelry. With its unique copper billet that has never been processed, each ring showcases distinct embroidery points that make every piece one-of-a-kind. Furthermore, our rigorous electroplating ensures the thick application of real gold and silver, enhancing both durability and aesthetics.


Wearing this ring not only elevates your style but also reflects your individuality. Whether as a gift for someone special or a treat for yourself, this ring is a versatile accessory suitable for any occasion. Its open design makes it adjustable for a comfortable fit, while the elegant finish adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit.

Shop Now

Don't miss out on the chance to own this exquisite piece! Explore more at DIY Ornament Accessories Cooperized Silver Ring Letters Ring and discover additional jewelry accessories that suit your style.


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